Flights from Pula Airport (PUY) to Oslo Gardermoen Airport Airport (OSL)

We've found the cheapest flights to Oslo

Returns from £128.82

One-way from £55.32

You do not have a choice if you want to fly directly from Pula to Oslo Gardermoen, Norwegian is the only airline available. The journey time flying from Pula to Oslo Gardermoen Norway is around 2 Hours 50 Minutes. With the distance covered being 1,713 Km (1,064 Miles). The airport code for Pula is PUY and for Oslo Gardermoen it is OSL.

The cost of the air travel varies depending on what day you travel and the time of day. Oslo Gardermoen Norway flights may be normally booked months in advance and this may be the best option if you intend to get the best prices from Pula. Our recommendation is to book well in advance if you are looking to get the best possible prices.

Below you will see all the airlines that fly from Pula (PUY) to Oslo Gardermoen (OSL) and the number of flights they operate each day.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Norwegian001001101:3512:00VIEW FLIGHTS

The greatest amount of direct flights offered from Pula to Oslo Gardermoen Norway are by Norwegian with around 3 flights a week. The earliest flight is available at 01:35 and the latest flights at 12:00 with the most popular flight number being DY1943.

You can visit Norwegian at website for late minute deals and up to date information.

Below you can see the times of all flights. These flight times do vary so we recommend you look on the appropriate airline website for accurate information for the dates you are departing.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights

You may also have a choice of an alternative airport when it comes to flying from Pula and arriving at Oslo Gardermoen. You can find details of this below.

Alternative Direct Routes
RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Forli to Oslo Gardermoen01,781 km (1,107 miles)2 Hours 54 Minutes
Ljubljana to Oslo Gardermoen01,570 km (976 miles)2 Hours 39 Minutes
Split to Oslo Gardermoen01,886 km (1,172 miles)3 Hours 2 Minutes
Venice to Oslo Gardermoen01,636 km (1,017 miles)2 Hours 44 Minutes
Zadar to Oslo Gardermoen01,812 km (1,126 miles)2 Hours 57 Minutes

Before departing customs Pula make sure that you do not exceed baggage allowances as excess charges may be considerable.

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Flight Price FAQ - Pula (PUY) to Oslo (OSL)

DIRECT Norwegian
What is the cheapest direct flight one way from Pula PUY to Oslo OSL?
The cheapest direct flight one way from Pula PUY to Oslo OSL is £55.32 ($70 €65.40)
$70 | €65.40
Check Latest Price
DIRECT Norwegian
What is the cheapest direct return flight from Pula PUY to Oslo OSL?
The cheapest direct return flight from Pula PUY to Oslo OSL is £128.82 ($163 €152.28)
$163 | €152.28
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Pula (PUY) to Oslo (OSL)

Who flies from Pula to Oslo?
The following airlines fly from Pula (PUY) to Oslo (OSL): Norwegian.
How far is the flight from Pula to Oslo?
The flight from Pula to Oslo is 1,713KM or 1,064 miles.
How long does the flight from Pula to Oslo to take?
The flight from Pula to Oslo takes 2 Hours 50 Minutes.

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